/configure-stakepool add

Add a new official stakepool to this server

/configure-stakepool add allows administrators to add a stakepool to their Discord server. Users will then be able see the official stakepool info via the /info command.

Please ensure you are not impersonating other pools under false pretenses. While we support cross-project collaborations, misrepresentation of your own server as an official server of a pool or malicious use of pool features will lead to your Discord server being blacklisted for the use of Vibrant.


The Bech32 (pool1…) or hex-based ID of the stakepool you want to add. This data can be found on websites like pool.pm, adapools.org or pooltool.io. This is not to be confused with the ticker of a pool (1-5 letters), which can NOT be used here, because it is not necessarily unique.