/configure-giveaway announce

Announce giveaway in a channel

Black Edition

When you want to announce giveaways for which you have not scheduled an announcement at creation time, you must use /configure-giveaway announce. You need to provide the target channel in your Discord, to which the bot needs Send Messages permission. The bot will then post an announcement widget that includes the giveaway details, open and close times and participation counts.

Along with the information, the widget will also post a Join button that users can click to participate in the giveaway, as well as a Verify Wallet button that guides users to wallet verification, if your giveaway is token-based.

When announcing a still-running, the widget will automatically update the widget with current giveaway participation counts!.


The channel in which you would like to post the announcement and join widget. The bot will need Send Messages permission on the selected channel.