/configure-settings features

Enable or disable bot features and commands

With /configure-settings features you can turn specific feature sets of the bot on and off. This change will remove certain commands completely until the respective featureset is re-enabled. No data will be deleted when you use this command and it is purely designed to allow your end users the best experience.

Keep in mind: Hiding commands your users cannot use will improve their experience significantly. Don't let them see whitelist commands when you have no whitelists in your project, for example.

Feature SetDetails
Stakepool Features

If you are running a stakepool or are supporting another person's stakepool, this feature set turns on commands to manage stakepools and automatic roles for delegators. If this feature is used, all verification commands are also automatically enabled.

Fungible tokens and NFTs

For NFT projects and token or DeFi solutions, this feature set provides the ability to list policy IDs and automatically assign roles based on asset ownership. If this feature is used, all verification commands are also automatically enabled.


Whitelists allow you to have specific users sign up with their Cardano addresses for mint events or stake snapshots.

Polls and Voting

If you want to let token owners vote on decisions you are making and do not need sophisticated on-chain governance, the Vibrant voting system will support all your foundational poll needs.


Raffles and advanced giveaways are at the tip of your fingertips, for holders or new members of your community, with this powerful set of giveaway commands.

Merchandise Claim

Have a stake snapshot that will allow people to claim physical goods, but your customers would prefer to not let you connect their stake addresses to physical shipping addresses? No problem, the claim list system with Vibrant will allow that.